Thursday, December 25, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

When we arrived, there was way more snow that we expected and it was considerably more cold that I ever remember it being in Utah. This was not a problem for Grace. She was up at 5:30am ready to brave the cold and snow. She got dressed, went and helped feed the horses, and was then on her way to make snow angels (next to building a snow man, snow angels were at the top of her list of things to do when we got here.)

Getting her dressed totally reminded me of that scene from Christmas story!
Just as she was heading out, it started to snow again. Very festive.
She was so funny. I am not even sure how she even knows what a snow angel is, but she knows what they are and how to make them. After feeding the horses, she headed to the fresh snow of the front yard, stood up straight, fell backward and started waving her arms and legs. Next thing we knew...snow angels!

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