Saturday, June 21, 2008

St. Augustine Lighthouse

Girls Camp is next week...the theme is "Steadfast and Immovable" and the stake is using lighthouses as the logo. Each ward had to select a lighthouse for their banner and we picked the St. Augustine Lighthouse. We thought it would be fun to visit before camp.

This is the rag-tag group traveling in the Hansen van. We left the house before 7am so the girls rode up in their PJ's.

This is a picture from the bottom step...the first of over 200. What a chore for the lighthouse keepers who had to climb the stairs every two hours, from dusk to dawn, carrying a heavy bucket of fuel for the fire lighting the lighthouse. See, I was paying attention to the tour guide!
I loved this. I came around the corner and all the girls were just standing there, looking out across the ocean and city. What a great picture!Of course they also had to pose!
Look closely and you will see Eric standing at the top. He was such a great sport. We need a priesthood holder to go with us and he agreed. I actually volunteered him, but he went very willingly and was wonderful. He helped take care of the little girls, kept the older girls entertained in the car and I think he actually enjoyed himself!
Just a group shot. If you look closely you will see Ella in my lap. She thought she was really cool to be part of the action and totally posed for this shot!The leaders...and Ella.

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