Thursday, August 7, 2008

Grace turns 3!

Grace turned three years old on July 13. I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone and what a big girl she has become. Currently her favorite things include: anything Disney Princess, Power Rangers, dancing and singing (mostly to the music she creates in that crazy little mind of hers), reading and books, and bubbles. She is so smart and the temper tantrums aside, is really funny and a joy to be around! I decorated the night before so she woke up and was very excited to see table.
In case you were wondering, she is three.

We tourterd ourselves over what gifts to get for her. We went back and forth about so many different things and finally settled on this folding princess castle thing. It was a total bust! She has played with it once. How annoying. Last week we bought her an automatic bubble blower for $1 on clearence and it is her favorite toy. I should have guessed.

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