Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sneak Peek

This weekend there was a preview of a new ride opening at Hollywood Studios. Annual pass holders could come early to try out the ride before it opens to the public. We almost skipped it, but are so glad we went. "Midway Mania" is officially me new favorite ride at Disney. Just waiting in line kept us entertained. The line was a replica of Andy's room from toy story and no detail was spared. Disney never fails to impress. The ride is reminiscent of the Buzz ride at Magic Kingdom, but way better. It is ride through different midway games and shoot at changing targets, setting off various effects and new targets. My description is seriously lacking, and the ride really is awesome.

This is the entrance to the ride. The creativity and detail is an indication of what was to come. As for the random Disney employee, Eric was waxing friendly and invited him into the family photo. It made his day and his fellow workers were surprisingly jealous not to have received a similar invitation:)

A quick family photo in the line. This Mr. Potato Head was anamatronic and interacted with the crowd waiting in line. He told jokes and provided some entertainment while waiting in the hour-long line. And despite the picture, no, I am not expecting baby number 3.

Ella was a huge fan of the Mr. Potato Head. As soon as he came into view, she started clapping for him and didn't stop until he was out of sight. If really was quite cute.

Grace sporting her 3-D glasses. the ride was great for her because she could play by herself and actually was able to score some points. As a side note, potting training is a joy. We were half way through the line and she informed me she needed a potty break. So of course I was that person heading the wrong way in line saying "excuse, me...I am sorry, can I squeeze through here, we need to make a quick potty break" get the picture. People were generally nice and moved for the cute little girl who need to go potty. However, the entire line must have suffered amnesia as we had to "cut" back through the line to rejoin our family. Apparently they had forgotten we had previously passed them and as I tried to re-enter the line, I was met with a bit of opposition and some not-so-friendly glares. Oh, well. Another adventure in potty training.

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