Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Fathers Day...better late than never!

On fathers days, I was really sick. I didn't get out of bed most of the day and I even missed church. Well, Eric was a VERY good sport and didn't complain once about the fact that he not only got ignored on Fathers Day, but also got stuck watching the girls the whole day.

We decided to celebrate the next Sunday and the day went much better. While the girls let Eric sleep in at little, we prepared our now famous green eggs and ham. Grace also signed the card she picked out for Eric and wrapped his gift. And yes, he did eat the breakfast we cooked. What a great sport!

Eric is an amazing dad and all of his girls, myself included, are so thankful that he is ours!


Austin and Heather Kramer said...

Wow, I thought you were kidding about the green eggs and ham and then I saw the pictures! He is a good sport - just kidding, I'm sure it was fun and good! You are such a great wife and mom to make sure you celebrated father's day although it was a little late.

Erika Anderson said...

I saw your blog on Linneas....what an easy way to keep up with you guys now that we are so far away!!!Your girls are getting SOOOO big!